Thursday 3 April 2014

Searching for Wealth from Fuel Scarcity

Wonders they say will never end, you can imagine how biting poverty can be and what a man can do trying to keep body and soul together but end up losing the body. The fuel scarcity experience can be touching when one sees the kind of activities people go through in order to either sell or buy fuel. For many guys this is the best time to make quick money and truly so many men and women not minding the stress and risk still go through the process just to catch the cash.
I don’t need to hit my head on the wall to say this, the risk of getting fuel from truckers and tankers are huge. Apart from sourcing the product from the tanker directly, some guys go right into the tanker to mop up the products as tankers are never devoid of products no matter how hard you try to empty it from the normal processes dispersing the content. The dangers of suffocations and inhaling of petroleum product could be enormous and some of the boys die in the tank trying to do it.
There are sad moments in this business and they come more than once in a while. There was a case where a young man went into a tanker to scoop fuel without letting anybody know he was inside, so when he suffocated inside the 33,000 litre fuel tanker nobody knew. The tanker was loaded and offloaded with fuel twice before his body was discovered inside the tanker. What a pity, but this kind of situation occurs all the time, you can imagine what the desire to make money the quick way can drive a man into. Ignorance they say is not an excuse and most times information could prevent such incidence.
The law enforcement agents and the Diesel trade
According one of the dealers I spoke to, the risk is not worth it for the black marketers. I would have preferred the real stuff if I know how. Police is our greatest enemy as we pay consistently in advance for our trade to be allowed at the port and more often than not, our goods (gas diesel) are seize by the law enforcement agents, either, police or Navy who then in turn sell to truck drivers for peanut or collect huge sum of money from us if we want to effect the release of our goods.
These illegal buyers can come in pick-up vans that carry drums to buy from boaters or come in single carrier that is people who use bikes to carry 50 litres jerry cans. Some bikers do nothing else but supply product to black marketers around the port. It is a brisk business with quick cash for some young folks.
Some bus vans have been constructed in a way to carry as much as 200 to 400 liters of products illegally. This business though illegal has become a very lustration business around the port.
Individuals black marketers can make as much as N3,000 to N10,000 daily from supply of product to trailer drivers while those who source product in pick-up vans and drum can make as much as between N30,000 to N100,000 daily. Those who use other means too numerous and illegally risky can make as much as over 100,000 daily. According one black marketer spoken to, I had to leave the business for sometime as the law enforcement agent were now turning my shop into a toll gate each time my product lands the shop they would just arrive units and seize everything. The loses was becoming unbearable since my source are illegal and I even contribute weakly to police in order to prevent arrest, they still come and cart away my goods. They as different patrol units and the runs has become a loss consuming business if I may use that word. visit for the right way to do this business
Product adulteration,
The guy I learnt the business from was too bad I could not even continue the business with him. When he sells diesel to drivers he mixes it with kerosene, black oil, water and sometime sand just to make lot of profit. It was terrible. Some truck like fiat cannot stand this, but for truck like MAC, very rugged it could withstand any form of adulteration. The effect can only reduce the effectiveness of the engine, either by moving slowly or smoking but for other trucks, these adulterations can damage the engine completely.
For generator, this illegal diesel source can kill your power plant completely according to him; I really desire to be part of the legal method of doing this business. I know a guy that has five trucks for distributing diesel (commonly called gas at the port). He started small but today he is a big man. Police does not disturb them, because their sources are legal and that is why I had to take a break from the risky methods of black marketing business at the port and try to see how I can be connected to right way to play the oil and diesel business.
What a story, better to read than be in those shoes. Now you can get access to the legal methods of starting this business. Get the report on the legitimate methods of doing oil and gas business that will give you peace on

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