Tuesday 8 October 2013

Millions and Millions of PHCN Severance Package Head for the Drains By Hope Eno

“No, this is not my portion!” Truly it couldn’t be your portion and this is not a political statement. Okay probably a better headline would have sounded like “most bankers who receive severance packages during the banking industry crisis that lay off over 15,000 of them from their jobs exhausted their cash benefit few months afterward”.
Yes, as hefty as the some of the money they received looked, all did disappear before their eyes. Now I am not talking about money being stolen or someone being attacked by armed robbers. Most of these ex-bankers could hardly give an accurate account of how their entire life reward went down the drain without a trace.
The most interesting thing about the PHCN worker’s severance package is the fact that everyone now knows that you have received one big cash or you are expecting one big money from PHCN or government. The crowed of scavengers waiting to grab their own shares includes: friends, relations, neighbours (dupers, thieves, borrowers, problem carriers, scammers, fake idea givers and tire kickers). “You done hit” will be the most common language you hear from people’s lips. They forgot you are the one that worked for the money and not them. That is when all your village folks, town meetings and associations see your life and home as the best location for operation.
You hear statement of demands like, uncle’s children have been driven out of school, great grandma is not feeling fine, nephew wants to learn work or travel abroad, we just discovered you are from the royal family and it is your turn to carry a certain title. Ha, ha, ha! Once the money is exhausted all the problems seizes to exist and you wonder where they came from, but too late, because you would have spent all you have only to face the realities of an unprepared future. And if you ever survive it, time will tell.
 I told my PHCN friend who I had sympathy for when I saw the danger ahead. After finding out that he does not even know what to do with the money or even have the capacity to utilize the money for investment or business “young man”, I said “once you get that money pretend it does not exist. Store it in a fix deposit or a saving account or invest in a conservative stock for one complete year when the dust would have settled and everyone including your wife would have forgotten you ever had such money”.
This is simply because, for that one year, the spirit of frivolous spending would have left you alone and your mind would have been clear enough to determine what to do with the severance cash. This period will afford you the opportunity to critically look at solid opportunities you can take advantage of to generate sustainable long term income for your future or even for immediate needs.
At this stage of your life, in the case of PHCN, you will no longer have opportunity to blame the government anymore for your inability to be rich or sustain yourself because; severance package means that the relationship you have with your employer has been severe or cut off. He or she is no longer responsible for your future remuneration.
Nobody to strike to in order to be spoon fed. You are now responsible for your own destiny, especially now that you have to face the reality of also setting up a business where you have to also employ somebody and see what it means to pay salary monthly or look into an investment and see what it takes for it to make returns on your behalf.
Now your money or rather school fee, NEPA and other bills will be the one striking against your pocket. All kinds of expenditure will be battling to take a hold of your pocket. Home keep allowance and dependants are the once you will have to negotiate with and not your former employer, a reverse of what used to happen in the past. You will now see what it takes to be on the other side of the divide. I say welcome to the club.
From what has been said so far, you don’t need to ask what happened to the bankers who were sacked from their jobs some years back, but paid huge sums of money for their back up or what would happened to the PHCN guys who are currently receiving their burden. Oh, sorry severance package. A lot of the bankers were so desperate then in terms of what to do next with their pay to sustain themselves. In bid to make ends meet, some of them ended up plying their rewarded money into businesses they knew little or nothing about and in the process of the running such businesses lost all their life entitlement to the winds.
Those who where worst hits were those who fell for one of those online and offline investment schemes and scams, these juicy, but fraudulent investment operated by unknown faces come with big promises to pay you money you did not work for with unbelievable returns on investment if you supply your hard earn money in their programmes.
Using greed and desperation, and expecting to hit one big cash at a go, some of these guys turned in their money for such investment gimmick that fly around like kites in the air only to regret after many months of waiting for nothing.
Wealth that promises you reward without effort most times leaves you with sorrow and pain at the end.
How can you succeed in anything that has to do with multiply money when you did not try your hands on risk when you were still comfortable? Putting your hands into business or investment under desperation spells to doom.
 You have never passed through the road of failure nor learnt excesses of success, but decide to jump in there because you now have sudden cash is like facing a lion with a wipe. Those who attempted a business and failed in past even when they did not have so much stands a better chance of success in the future. At least they have learnt some lessons and gained experience.
You can imagine somebody who never did buying and selling when still a NEPA staff, but now wants open a super market with all his or her severance benefit. You have never produced a five litre jar of liquid soap from home when you were still working now you want to start a production factory.
You have never planted a garden by the side of your house or in an empty plot somewhere in the outskirt when you were receiving constant salary now you want to use your life pension at a go to start large plantation or give to somebody to farm for you.
You have not even trained local chicken. Not even a small artificial pond or snail farm now you want to set up a massive poultry farm with all your life proceeds.
You did not employ secondary school leaver to manage a phone center for you while you were still working; you want to quickly clear your entire bank account once your benefit is credited and go into recharge printing and voucher marketing with twenty marketing staff and a state of the art office complex.
No knowledge, no information and no experience, success in an area can be like climbing Mount Everest in the winter. Survival in such situation is very slime and probably negative.
As the millions or hundreds of thousands are released to these guys who have spent months and months demonstrating for it without time to prepare for what the money will be used for, it is possible that majority of them may likely go the same way the bankers went. Back to poverty or looking for another employer of labour to sort out their future. Off course time does not fail to tell the end of the story as we watch.
Are you looking for knowledge, information and experience concerning a business you can do or an investment to make that will put you on the path of generating consistent income for yourself and family? Then get on the following sites http://tiny.cc/dy6jvw  http://tinyurl.com/q5585ep  www.hopeeno.com

Hope Eno is an investment expert and Business opportunity consultant

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